As some of you know, I bought the GR III again. This time a Diary Edition. I think at this point no one can accuse me of not giving the camera a proper chance! I bought it new and sold it 3 times in total, including this one. Because yes, I sold it again. I… Continue reading My final opinion about the Ricoh GR III
Tag: Ricoh GR II
Removing dust from Ricoh GR II sensor and filter
My Ricoh GR II got dust on the sensor and for this reason I have been using it less and less. I guess this is quite a common event in the life of a Ricoh GR lover. If we shoot it a lot, sooner or later dust will come. This made me sort of sad,… Continue reading Removing dust from Ricoh GR II sensor and filter
Time and knowledge in photography
How much time do we spend trying to emulate film aesthetic? Or trying to copy the style of a photo we saw on social media? How much time do we waste reading reviews for equipment we don’t need and we will surely never buy? How much time watching informative videos that give us no actual… Continue reading Time and knowledge in photography
Hosting a Ukrainian refugee family
We are living in terrible times, dear friends. Not much is left but doing what we can for helping each other –– and hoping for reason to win over madness –– empathy over hatred. I am trying to be useful and so I am hosting a Ukrainian refugee family with a 1 year old baby.… Continue reading Hosting a Ukrainian refugee family
What makes a good photo
Ansel Adams apparently once noted: “the single most important component to a camera is the twelve inches behind it.” I say apparently because I don’t know where he wrote it or if there is any proof that he said it, so let’s take that with a grain of salt. It is quite a popular quote… Continue reading What makes a good photo
Ricoh GR vs Olympus Pen-F
What a title. A better one would have probably been “Comparing the Ricoh GR II and the Pen-F mounting a Panasonic 14mm f2.5”, because that’s what this little post will be about — but that would have definitely been too long. The idea for this post came to me when I remembered the Pen-F has… Continue reading Ricoh GR vs Olympus Pen-F