Film simulation and Dehancer

Do you remember when it became trendy to emulate cross processing? Or when bleach bypass became all the rage? Or when HDR was suddenly the new thing everyone was trying? All the photos made in these trendy bubbles are now obsolete and not pleasant. That’s because they were a reaction to what was perceived as… Continue reading Film simulation and Dehancer

Ricoh GR vs iPhone

One of the common observations regarding the Ricoh GR is that the whole concept of a compact camera seems obsolete — or at least redundant — in an era where we already carry a camera phone in our pockets. The dubt grows as we consider modern smartphones feature good quality cameras, thanks mostly to their… Continue reading Ricoh GR vs iPhone

A review of the Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm f1.7

This lens kept me company for the last 20 years or so: I bought it for my Yashica FX3 Super 2000 and I then adapted it to pretty much all of my digital systems, starting with the Canon EOS 300D, using that combination for shooting — among the other projects — most of the light… Continue reading A review of the Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm f1.7

Ricoh GR vs Olympus Pen-F

What a title. A better one would have probably been “Comparing the Ricoh GR II and the Pen-F mounting a Panasonic 14mm f2.5”, because that’s what this little post will be about — but that would have definitely been too long. The idea for this post came to me when I remembered the Pen-F has… Continue reading Ricoh GR vs Olympus Pen-F