Film simulation and Dehancer

Do you remember when it became trendy to emulate cross processing? Or when bleach bypass became all the rage? Or when HDR was suddenly the new thing everyone was trying? All the photos made in these trendy bubbles are now obsolete and not pleasant. That’s because they were a reaction to what was perceived as… Continue reading Film simulation and Dehancer

Against generative AI

I believe there are strong reasons to oppose AI’s involvement in creative works, especially photography. This is a topic that’s very dear to me, and I hope you will also find it interesting and will want to share your opinion about it. I will start with a brief mention of the marketing aspects and then… Continue reading Against generative AI

Time and knowledge in photography

How much time do we spend trying to emulate film aesthetic? Or trying to copy the style of a photo we saw on social media? How much time do we waste reading reviews for equipment we don’t need and we will surely never buy? How much time watching informative videos that give us no actual… Continue reading Time and knowledge in photography